
Humor is the best ingredient in a recipe for disaster like this one for the CoronaPIErus. So while you’re quarantined, make this stupid pie and eat your sorrows….just don’t forget to WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS.

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Lindsay MillerComment
Covfefe Cake

Anyways, in honor of the live hearings this week, I made a little “covfefe cake” to eat while watching our government collapse in on itself. So, without further ado…it’s time to GRAHAM breakfast by the p**sy and make some COVFEFE CAKE. (Sorry that joke was a bit crass but like I HAD to?)

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Lindsay MillerComment
The BACONing of the End Blondies

The signs are all there...the end...our end...HUMANITY’S coming. You can see it on the horizon. The worst part? We’ve done this to ourselves. So I say, screw it all, let’s put all of the most delicious, bad for you, ingredients into one AMAZING dessertster. I present to you “The BACONing of the End Blondies”.

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Lindsay MillerComment

I don’t wanna close my PIES, I don’t wanna FALL asleep, cuz I’d miss you babe and I don’t wanna miss a thing. A smokey pumpkin pie to accompany your final moments before the 600-mile-wide asteroid collides with earth bringing a fiery, agonizing death.

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