Banana SCREAM Pie


There’s been two constants for me during this whole “safe at home”, “lockdown”, “quarantine” situation….. one: a constant stream of over ripe bananas that I have no idea what to do with, and two: the constant overwhelming desire to just SCREAM away all my anxieties and stuff. 

These two constants have led to a very important creation….the Banana SREAM Pie. If you aren’t already in the know, I’ve been doing twice weekly “quaranSTREAMS” on the We’re All Gonna Pie Instagram (@allgonnapie), and you should definitely follow that and tune in for the future ones. I did this one on there and loved it SO much that I thought I’d turn it into an actual blog post so that the recipe could live on FOREVER. Also, there were a couple things I did that I wanted to do slightly differently we are.

Anyways, because I made the pie over an instagram live, I don’t have photos of all of the steps but it’s all pretty easy to follow. Also, for the harder parts, we’ve done almost the exact same custard before a couple times in the AVALANCHE pie and the SAMOA pie which are hyperlinked in the capitalized words. So, I’ll keep the boring blog part short, and just get into it then! 


Ok so I did a pastry crust for this pie, but it would also be delicious with a graham crust if that’s what you’re feeling. But for this we’ll pretend everyone is doing a pastry crust. 

If you’ve had some pre-made pie crusts laying around BEGGING to be used, use those! If not, use THIS recipe to make your crust ahead of time. I always like to make like a x2 or x3 batch and just portion and freeze the dough to use in the future whenever a pie craving strikes. I know that hoarding certain things in these dark times is illegal, but hoarding pie crust that you make isn’t yet so I fully support doing this…..and do it even when you’re not quarantined TOO MUCH PIE IS NOT A THING. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO TO HAVE TOO MUCH PIE.

Anyways, once you have your dough ready and chilled, grab a pack and roll it into a circle that’s about ⅛ inch thick. (or if you’ve got the store bought stuff, roll one sheet out nice and flat). Then place the dough over a 9” pie tin and leave about ½ - 1 inch overhang over the edge of the tin. Curl that edge under itself and tuck it into the edge into pie tin, then go around and crimp the edge of the pie however you like to make it look all pretty.

NEXT we’re going to blind bake our pie crust. This just means baking the crust without any filling in it. So to do this, we’ll need to do a couple things. 

1: Preheat the oven to 350ºF

2: Chill the pie dough in the freezer while the oven preheats

3: Once the oven is at temp, pull the pie crust from the freezer

4: Line the inside of the crust with a piece of parchment.

5: Fill the pie shell with either dried beans, dried rice, or pie weights. 

6: Bake crust with weights in it for 20 minutes or until the edges start to get brown

7: Remove parchment and weights and continue baking for another 20-30 minutes or until the crust is completely baked through. 

Let that crust cool completely before you add any of the other elements. 

Once the pie crust is baked…



The first thing that you’re going to do is kinda weird….take your two overripe bananas and peel them….BUT DON'T THROW AWAY THE PEELS we’re actually going to use those. 

So, cut up one of the bananas into little slices and cover/refrigerate those until later. 

Next take both banana peels, and one of the banana fruits and put them into a medium sized pot. THEN pour 1 cup cream and ½ cup milk into the pot with the banana & peels. Heat that over low heat until it’s almost at a boil. Then turn the heat off and cover the pot with cling wrap or a towel, and let the bananas and milk steep while you make the toffee sauce. 


The Toffee Sauce is super easy to make. First, brown your butter, and while that’s browning combine all of your other ingredients into a bowl (brown sugar, bourbon, cream, corn starch, corn syrup, salt). Once the butter is browned, pour everything else into the pot and bring all of that up to a boil, making sure to mix it constantly. Let it boil for like 30-45 seconds then remove from heat and let cool slightly.


Remember the banana you cut up and set aside? Grab those pieces and the baked pie crust. Line the bottom of the pie crust with the banana pieces. Put as many or as few of them as you’d like! Then take your toffee sauce and pour it over the banana pieces until they’re covered. 

Put the pie into the freezer and let that chill while you make your banana custard!


The method of making this custard is exactly like the one I did for the avalanche pie and for the samoa pie, so if you’re looking for some detail photos of how to do that, check out those recipes for those! 

Ok so like I always say, when you’re making a custard always portion out ALL of your ingredients first before actually cooking anything. So that means putting together:

  • Sugar/salt

  • Corn starch/water

  • Egg yolks (medium bowl)

  • Milk/cream (take out the peels and blend in the banana with an immersion blender or in an actual blender would work too)

  • Have a separate clean bowl ready with the butter in it and a strainer on top, if you have one. 

Once everything is portioned out and ready to go, pour the sugar/salt into the cream mixture in a medium pot on the stove, and mix it all together well. Let that come up to 170ºF or like right when the edges start to bubble. 

While that’s heating, combine your corn starch/water into the bowl with your egg yolks and whisk together. 

Take the cream off the heat and pour it into the bowl with the egg yolks and whisk everything together. THEN return it ALL back into the pot on the stove and return that to a low/medium heat. STIR IT CONSTANTLY while it’s heating up. Once it starts to thicken, continue stiring for about 20 seconds, then turn the heat off and KEEP stirring it for another 30 seconds. This helps release trapped moisture and will give you a thicker custard. 

Pour your custard into the bowl you set aside with the butter and strainer, and strain the custard into the bowl. Mix the butter in until it’s completely combined then take your pie out of the freezer where it’s been chilling. Test the toffee sauce and if that has set at least a little bit where there’s a nice pretty solid layer on top (Ideally it’ll have set completely). If it’s still super liquid, return it to the freezer and let it keep setting until it’s a soft solid. If you have to keep chilling your pie, cover the finished custard with a layer of plastic wrap. MAKE SURE THE WRAP IS TOUCHING THE ACTUAL CUSTARD.

Once your pie is set, pour the custard over the top of the toffee/banana layer and use plastic wrap to cover the custard once again, still making sure the wrap is in contact with all of the custard or else it’ll get a gross skin on top. Then chill the whole thing in the refrigerator for AT LEAST 4 hours. Ideally over night. 

Then when you’re ready for some delicious pie, remove the plastic, and top with some whipped cream and bananas or toffee pieces or whatever you feel like that you have laying around!! 

Then ENJOY!! 

Banana SCREAM Pie!

  • prep time: 30 mins
  • cook time: 45 mins
  • total time: 5 hrs 15 mins

Servings: 1 pie (and a little extra toffee sauce as a treat)

Pie Crust!


  • 1 ea Pie Crust (home made or store bought)


  1. Roll pie dough out into a flat circle about ⅛ inch thick.
  2. Place into 9” pie tin
  3. Trim so there’s about 1inch of dough hanging over the edge.
  4. Tuck pie dough under itself and crimp edges to make pretty.
  5. Chill crust in freezer for 10 mins.
  6. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
  7. Line crust with parchment paper.
  8. Fill with dried beans, dried rice, or pie weights.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes.
  10. Remove parchment/weights.
  11. Bake another 30 minutes until crust is completely done.
  12. Let cool completely.

Banana Milk Steep!


  • 2 ea Bananas
  • 1 ¼ c. Cream
  • ¼ c. Milk


  1. Peel both bananas and put 1 full banana and both peels into a medium pot.
  2. Cut up one banana and cover/chill until toffee sauce is done.
  3. Pour milk/cream into the pot with the peels/bananas and bring to a low boil.
  4. Turn heat off the second it is hot enough and cover with plastic wrap.
  5. Let that steep while you make the toffee sauce.

Toffee Sauce!


  • 125 g. (1stick and 1 T) Butter, Browned
  • 195 g. (¾ c + 3T) Brown Sugar
  • 5 g. (2 tsp) Corn Starch
  • 1 oz. (2 T) Bourbon
  • 2 oz (¼ c) Heavy Cream
  • ¾ oz (2T) Corn Syrup


  1. Brown butter in a medium pot.
  2. Add brown sugar, corn starch, bourbon, heavy cream, and corn syrup to the pot and bring to a boil
  3. Let thicken for about 1-2 minutes.
  4. Remove and let cool.
  5. Take cooled pie crust, line bottom of pie with cut up banana from 1 banana (save the peels).
  6. Pour toffee sauce over bananas until they’re covered and place pie into the freezer to set the toffee.
  7. Let rest of toffee sauce cool completely then store in fridge in an air tight container.

Banana Custard!


  • 1 c. Banana Milk (pre-steeped)
  • 30 g. (2T) Sugar
  • 1 g. (⅛ tsp) Salt
  • 15 g. (1 ½ T) Corn starch
  • 3 T. Water
  • 2 ea Egg Yolks
  • 2 T Butter


  1. Remove banana peels from milk, and blend in banana fruit.
  2. Measure out everything:
    1. Banana Milk, Sugar, Salt (med. Pot on stove)
    2. Corn starch, water (whisk together)
    3. Egg yolks (med bowl)
    4. Medium bowl with butter and a strainer on top (set this aside)
  3. Heat milk/sugar etc to a scald or about 170ºF, make sure to stir regularly.
  4. Whisk corn starch into bowl with egg yolks
  5. Once milk is hot, pour into bowl with yolks and whisk everything together.
  6. Return all of that back into the pot and put it over low-medium heat.
  7. STIR CONSTANTLY until it thickens.
  8. Turn off heat and continue stirring for 30 seconds.
  9. Strain into the bowl with the butter.
  10. Mix until butter is completely incorporated.
  11. Check pie in freezer, if toffee is set into a soft solid and no longer liquid, bring it out, if not let it chill even longer. (if you have to wait, cover your custard with plastic, make sure wrap touches the actual custard to keep a skin from forming)
  12. Once toffee is ready, pour custard over the top of it and cover everything with plastic wrap, making sure the wrap touches the top of the custard.
  13. Let chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours or better yet, overnight if you have time.

Finishing & Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream:

  • 1 c. Heavy cream
  • 2 T Powdered Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract


  1. Whip everything together until medium stiff peaks.
  2. Either spread on top of the pie or put into a piping bag and pipe it out to make it look pretty.
  3. Sprinkle toffee pieces, the extra toffee sauce, whatever else you want on top!
  4. Enjoy!